Articles by Cedric Bernier

What we're about…

Keeping it simple

We cut through the complexity of managing finances overseas by avoiding jargon and obscure industry terms. Instead we prefer familiar, reassuring language, and simple financial planning solutions that make sense to everyone.

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Buy or rent a home in France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jul 08, 2024

Moving to France: Buy or rent a home in France

Are you someone who is looking to buy or rent a home in France? If the dream is a home in the French countryside or a Parisian “pied à terre“,

transfer a 401(k) to France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jul 01, 2024

Can I transfer a 401(k) to France?

Have you been asking yourself if I can transfer a 401(k) to France? Many Americans in France face a lot of hurdles when dealing with their American retirement accounts. With

Accidental american

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jun 24, 2024

Are you an accidental American?

Are you an accidental American, wondering what are the repercussions of your new found identity? Believe it or not, millions of people around the world are classified as “accidental Americans”,

Is your spouse a professional athlete that is currently playing overseas

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jun 18, 2024

Is your spouse a professional athlete that is currently playing overseas? 

The life of professional athletes is often a family affair. Players can be traded to different teams, and will consequently ask their families to move from one city to the

Tax and financial responsibilities for Americans in France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | May 13, 2024

Tax and financial responsibilities for Americans in France

Do you know the tax and financial responsibilities for Americans living in France? Whether the move to France is the accomplishment of a lifelong dream, or just a happy coincidence

CCF’s purchase / acquisition of HSBC France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | May 06, 2024

CCF’s purchase/acquisition of HSBC France

Are you one of the many clients concerned with CCF’s purchase/acquisition of HSBC France? As of January 1st, 2024, Credit Commercial de France (CCF) has taken over HSBC France’s retail

Athletes moving back to Europe with US wealth

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Apr 29, 2024

Athletes moving back to Europe with US wealth

Are you part of the growing number of professional athletes returning to Europe with US wealth? It’s more and more common that European athletes like you get the chance to

Chase (JP Morgan) and Wells Fargo are closing your IRA or retirement accounts

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Apr 01, 2024

Chase (JP Morgan) & Wells Fargo are closing your IRA or retirement accounts

Have you received the unfortunate news that Chase (JP Morgan) & Wells Fargo are closing your IRA or retirement accounts? You may be one of the many unfortunate US expats

Can American expats in France buy ETFs

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Mar 04, 2024

Can American expats in France buy ETFs?

Can American expats in France buy ETFs while living overseas? Unfortunately, Americans living in Europe often have to overcome many hurdles in order to invest their money correctly and efficiently.

can you rollover an ira into a 401k

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Feb 05, 2024

Can you rollover an IRA into a 401(k)?

Can you rollover an IRA into a 401(k) as a U.S. expat? It can be a bit overwhelming to try and manage your finances from overseas, especially regarding your retirement