Articles by Cedric Bernier

What we're about

Getting results

Our reputation is built by winning trust, but also delivering on our promises. We love working closely with our expat clients, giving sound financial planning advice to leverage wealth and help grow their investment portfolios.

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Posted by Cedric Bernier | Sep 04, 2024

What is an ETF?

Are you new to investing and are wondering what is an ETF? The financial world is filled with acronyms and jargon that leave many new investors feeling lost. Exchange-Traded Funds

Are Government-Backed Investments Right For Me

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Sep 02, 2024

Are Government-Backed Investments Right For Me?

Are you asking yourself, are government-backed investments right for me? Investing can be a daunting endeavor, especially for those new to the world of finance. Government-backed investments provide security and

Do I need a financial advisor

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Aug 28, 2024

Do I need a financial advisor?

How do I know if I need a financial advisor? Have you kept your head in the sand regarding your finances and now your investments are begging for help? There’s

Moving to France The essential immigration guide for American expats

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Aug 26, 2024

Moving to France: The essential immigration guide for American expats

Navigating the move to France can feel like a labyrinth of unfamiliar rules and procedures. A crucial first step is the immigration process, which grants you legal residence, and opens

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Aug 22, 2024

Is HSBC Premier closing your brokerage account?

Are you an American expat who recently discovered that HSBC Premier is closing your brokerage account? Since the beginning of 2024, many American expat clients are scrambling to find a

What is a US person

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Aug 20, 2024

What is a “US person”?

Many American expats come face to face with the same question: what is a “US person”? In the world of international finance and taxation, the term “US person” can be

when to convert us dollars to euros

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Aug 14, 2024

When to convert US Dollars to Euros?

Are you living, or planning to live, in Europe, and wondering when to convert dollars to euros? Are you annoyed with the unfavorable exchange rates and expensive fees? In today’s

Are IRAs Taxable in France?

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jul 15, 2024

Are IRAs Taxable in France?

Are you an American expat wondering if IRAs are taxable in France? Many Americans who currently – or are planning – to live in France have previously invested in retirement

Buy or rent a home in France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jul 08, 2024

Moving to France: Buy or rent a home in France

Are you someone who is looking to buy or rent a home in France? If the dream is a home in the French countryside or a Parisian “pied à terre“,

transfer a 401(k) to France

Posted by Cedric Bernier | Jul 01, 2024

Can I transfer a 401(k) to France?

Have you been asking yourself if I can transfer a 401(k) to France? Many Americans in France face a lot of hurdles when dealing with their American retirement accounts. With

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